Above and Beyond
Every Single Donation, Every Single Donor, Makes a Significant Impact on our Artists and our Community
Donor Categories
The Player Circle Donor Recognition program provides you with a range of valuable benefits and unique opportunities to connect with the Players! Join us and help us grow! Your gift is also 100% tax-deductible, and a tax receipt will be e-mailed to you for your records. Recognition in our playbills within the category of donation.
At Players Circle Theater, We Genuinely Believe That Live Theater Promotes Social Discourse, Dialogue, And Potential Social Change
Theater contributes to education and literacy, and theater influences how we think and feel about our own lives and encourages us to take a hard look at ourselves, our values, and our behavior. We understand that live theater is important and helps attendees reflect on things from a new perspective. We want to continue bringing people together and challenging our guests to dialogue about current, essential, and relevant topics. To that end, your arts donation will make a difference.
Free Seminars For Local Groups
Also, in the works, the theater will be utilized for groups and individuals to attend the free This ‘n That Series offered in the afternoons, focusing on area residents’ needs and interests. The series will include demonstrations, seminars, and exhibits orchestrated by volunteers.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Players Circle Art Center, Inc is an equal opportunity employer in adherence to all local, state, and federal laws.
Join them in supporting us today
Here are a Few of our Amazing Donors who have made a Difference for Players Circle Theater and for our Audiences!
Grand Sponsor
Dave and Cheryl Copham
Sublett Family Foundation
Bruce & Janet Bunch
Mary McVay
Executive Producer Circle
Robert & Carrie Cacioppo
Lee County Tourist Development
Quenzel Marketing Agency
Producer Circle
Fred & Jean Allegretti Foundation
Darlene Arnold
Bob & Jane Breisch
Richard Burany & Sheri Weitner
Joe & Joann Catti
Dennis & Peg Crowley
Lou & Pat Dunning
Richard Hassan
Dan & Pat Jorndt
Sue Ann Pirsch
Lee & Gene Seidler
Lee Moore & Dee Whited
Tim & Sandy Stilwell Youngquist
Steve & Vicki Zellner
Executive Director Circle
Denny & Deb Cowhey
Pam Cronin
Mary Denison
Florida Weekly
Vici & Russ Hamm
Fred & Elaine Hawkins
Mike & Sue Heyer
Dr. Jerry & Sheila Laboda
Charles & Susan Patten
Richard & Vicki Pitbladdo
Kevin White and Rossana Salvadori
David & Denise Wright
Director Circle
John Biffar Dreamtime Entertainment
Lynn Bowman & William Mahone
Mr & Mrs Harold H Brayman
Susan & Drew Chicone
Chippendale Audiology
Chris-Tel Construction
Creighton Construction & Development
Direct Impressions
John & Gloria Fassett
Richard Hassan
David & Anne Lund
Peter & Amy Lund
Sally Lund
Peter Olde & Scott Clark
Greg & Fran Rooker
Sanibel Captiva Community Bank
Ron & Cherie Weaver
Nanelle Wehmann
Marie Wiles
Actor Circle
John & Vasiliki Ayotte
Maurice & Barbara Bell
Susan & Phil Bennett
Eugene & Marjorie Bilotti
Thomas Birch
Karen Bleakly
William & Mary Bowman
Ian Burn
Busey Bank
Alan & Jacquelin Cadkin
Roger Caswell
Cathie Chester
Richard & Diane Clarke
Paul Corliss
Rob & Ruth Diefenbach
Roger & Cathy Dougan
Daniel & Susan Duval
Emily Eason
David Evans & Jill Robinson
Pat & Larry Feinstein
Fran Fenning
Dean Fournier
Pason & Renee Gaddis
Marilyn Graham
Bary & Brenda Gray
Mary Harmon
Mike Hartman
Edna Higgins
Joyce & Scott Hines
Don Hudson
Dr. Janice Ann Hughes
Jody James & Dale Robbins
Jack Jones
Kathryn Kelly
Dena & Roy Kennedy
Nick & Bonnie Kentris
David & Susan Knust
Craig & Nancy Komatz
Charles & Vickie Kuehn
Michele Laboda & Eric Dochinger
Dennis Lapidus & Ann Marie Shields
Alan & Deena Gu Laties
Alan & Edina Lessack
Lee County Electric Cooperative
Lynda Long
Robert & Bonnie Long
John & Susan King
Roger & Karen Klotz
John MacLennan
Kelly Jo & Norman Madoian
Dr. Eugene & Joan Markham
Bill & Sally Mason
Susan Matthews
Brian McGraw
Martin McLaughlin
Gary Morgan
John Mudgett
Dave & Carol Munro
Bob & Lynn Munson
Stephen & Betty Nordstrom
Roger & Gail Novak
Susan Parsons
Ellyn Pascoe
Dick & Mary Paulson
Michelle & Joe Pescatrice
Christopher Petroski
Stephen & Alene Pinsky
Dennis & Eleanor Porche
Nick Ranson
Judith & Caroline Reich
Robert & Lynn Salem
Shine of SWFL
Roy & Barbara Silvers
Lori Slusser
Wayne & Sharon Smith
Dana & Cathy Snyder
Joan Maupin & Michael Stepto
Strayhorn & Persons Law
Beverly Taht
The Smith Family Foundation of Estero
Pamela Templeton
Tom & Linda Van Wyk
Charlene & Norbert Vater
Don & Andie Vogt
Joan Walters
Cory & Bill Warther
Gerrie & Bob Weaver
Pink & Ron Wesorick
Matthew & Jayelyn Wessendorf
Howard & Connie Wheeler
Alex Whitehair Design
Inge Zimmerman
Patron Circle
Liz Adams
Denise Allam
Julie Allen
Jeanine Ascioti
Vera Bergermann
Rudy Berndlmaier
Karen Borden
Elaine Bouthillier
Rob Carvell
Charlene Clark
Robin Cohan
Marc Collins
Linda Conway & Phil Hubbell
Dr. Patricia Covington
JoAnn Cristea
Judi & Richard Davis
Michael Davis
Robin & Greg Donovan
The Dorval Family
Marilyn Drennan & Ray Fisher
Geraldine Feldman
Bob H. & Nancy Finch
Suzanne Flynn
Kathy Ford
Ellie Fox
Rosemary & Sam Freid
Elaine Fritz
Patrina Guarino
Mitch and Joann Haley
Larry Hart
Jill Hiatt
Ernest & Sheila Hoen
Kyle Jackson
Evelyn Keller
Karen Kinsley
Karlen Kochar
Dick & Judith Koloski
Linda Kramer
Charles E. Kuehn & Jeanne M. Shupe
David Linn
Katie Lund
Gail Markham & Doug Meurer
John & Vicki McDonald
Stuart & Beverly McElroy
Dawn McLean
Frank Medici
Roberta A. Meissner
Stuart & Toni Morgenstein
Richard & Elaine Obershaw
Marj O’Neil – Butler
Clayton Parks
Marcelo Pignatta
Mary Margaret Pless
Stephanie Rahe
Audrey Ramsey
Martha Rice
Will & Donna Richards
Sandy Roberts
Gary Rook
Robert L. Schuster
Carol Sheats
Susan Shuey
Linda Snapp
Benjamin Spence
Ken Stevens
Jana Stone
William & Julia Treadwell
Cheryl Tromley & Bill Ferris
Robin Tuthill
Jim & Ellie Waller
Ilene & Guy E. Whitesman
Michal Wiesler
$200 – $499
$200 – $499
Sherie Akerley
Willem Andersen
Chuck & Candy Anderson
Douglas Anderson
Joan L Berejik
Nick & Aline Bodven
James & Jerry Brock
Theodore Brown
Robert Browning
Joellen Bryant
Dennis & Louise Cannizzaro
Carol P Cessna
Greg Cline
Jim & Pat Cole
John & Eilene D’Esposito
James Dozier
Mary Ann Ferrarese
Walter & Sally Flesner
Sharon Franko
Anthony & Maria Giampaolo
Joanna McClelland Glass
Phyllis Gresham
Alan & Patrica Gruber
Deborah Haggett
Doris Herdman
Joseph Hisrich
Steve & Sally Hoffman
Betty Hoffman
Leonard & Susan Howell
Jim & Nancy Humphrey
Roy Hurst
Mary Jacobs
Anne Jeffcoat
Patricia Jessie
Jacqueline Jones
Paula Kamberos
Steve & Elinor Kline
Julian Korn
Bob Kroupa
Kathy Kuziminski
Judy Langley
Richard Lenholt
Jon & Bonnie Liljequist
Nancy Lippek
Beverly & Thomas Lisle
Jack & Pat Long
Tamara & David MacLeod
Ann Marcelle
Michael & Diana Mendelson
Linda & Ron Milewski
Bari Newport
Collette Niermann
Richard & MaryAnne Palermo
Zane Parks
John & Nancy Petralia
Bentley Pierce
Kurt Piernot
Susan Raskie
Pat Rawert
Mary Rich
Chuck Ringbakk
Louise Roessler
Tom Russell
Joyce Schaffer
Linda Seifert
Millie Servovitz
Steve & Kathy Shimp
Howard Silverman
Raymond & Linda Southard
Richard Teutsch
William Thorndike
Helen Townsend
Carmelia Tyler
John & Ruth Vaughan
Rolf & Ingrun Wagschal
Theodore Wioncek
Jay Zachman
Pattie Zes
Roger & Kathy Zocki
$100 – $199
$100 – $199
Dan & Kathy Adams
Jolynn Allen
Rich Ammentorp
Edward Amsler
Myron Amundson
Robert Andriani
Maria Aponte
Anita Arnold
Larry & Roberta Atkinson
Ginny Avery
Robert & Rosemary Baker
Armand & Beverly Ball
Wendy Berninger
Ann Boudreaux
Louise Boyling
Scott Bramhall
Lorna Bredehorn & Rodney Imboden
Thomas & Coleen Bronson
Pebble Brownley
Carol & Wayne Bryan
Karol & Terry Burns
Len & Kathy Cassert
Amanda Chestnut
Joanne Claasen
Don Clark
Douglas Cornfield
Donald Cummins
Frances D’Alessandro
Janet Daly
Helen Deverman
Linda Diamond
Marian DiFabbio
John & Cheryl Dillon
Jacqueline Dorval
Margaret Drennan & Robert Cihi
Dorothy Eastman
Nancy Eschedor
Susan & Philip Fabry
Susan Fay
Darlene Ferrer
Jack & Rogene Funderburg
Steven Gadson
Robert Gilewski
Alfonso Giordano
Martin & Sharon Gorman
Karen Grabow
Patricia Guard
Justine Hammond
Patricia Harp
Charles Hayse
Robert Heck
Karen Hoppe
Marilyn Horvath
Joan Huesman
Edward & Candace Huetteman
Michaele Imbrogno
Joanne Johnston
Terry Johnston
Catherine Judge
Jerry & Susanne Kantor
Louis Kapp
James Keller
Nancy Kenley
Rose King
Robert Klitzke
Margaret & Joseph Lane
Donna Leahy
Roz Lesser
Kevin & Renee Lewis
Theresa Lianzi
Darleen Loef
Jeff & Jan Lynass
Donna Marchetti
Joanne Marriott
Fiona Martin
Vicki Matsko
Judy McCarthy
Michael McNamara
Doreen McNulty
Gene McPherson
Angela Melvin
Stephen Metts
Carol & Patrick Milkovich
Glen Miller
Sandy Montclare
Richard & Alice Montuelle
Leona Morgan
Robert Morse
Kathleen Mulvihill
Bob Murray
Fred Nordstrom
Scott Osler
Frank Ossmann
Nina & Don Paight
Lisbeth Pearson
Carol H Periard
Cindy & Kevin Pierce
Rose Pinero
Perley Putnam
Robert & Barbara Ratcliff
John Rice
Gail & Michael Richter
Wayne & Karen Rockenbach
Michael & Carol Rosenberg
Shirley Russell
James & Marie Schafer
Amanda Schalau
Richard Schwarz
Waltraud Scola
Linda Sebastian
Richard & Pamela Simon
Nick & Holly Simone
Steve Skoglund
John & Carolyn Smith
Carol & Victor Smith
David & Joyce Smith
James Sonsalla
Gretchen & Halsey Spruance
Kelley Standard
Jeff Stanko
John Stefani & Sharon McAllister
Katrin Sternberg
Robert & Susan Stiles
Pat Stuchly
Richard & Susan Talbott
Felicia Tannehill
Kimberly Thwing
Doris Uhlig
David Vigdal
Nancy Vogelsang
Linda Wardell
John Warga
Robert Willis
Konnie Yankopolus
Nancy Yavorsky
Proud Players Circle Sponsors
Players Circle Theater Location

About Players Circle Theater
The Players Circle Theater was developed by veterans of the Southwest Florida theater movement, Carrie Lund Cacioppo and Robert Cacioppo.
They are prominent faces of theater in Lee County for over 35 years, having started Lee County’s first professional theater on Sanibel Island and the Florida Repertory Theater, named “One of America’s best regional theaters” by The Wall Street Journal. Players Circle Theater is a professional black box theater providing Broadway-level entertainment.

Carrie Lund Cacioppo

Robert Cacioppo
We Value Live Theater
Live Theater Always Produces an Unrivaled Charm.
We believe that it bears great importance for locals as well as future generations. Players Circle Theater is the home to top-performing musicians, dancers, actors, and other performing artists. We aspire to keep the artistic appeal of theater alive.